Integrate Flutter SDK with Android studio


This blog provides a step-by-step guide to integrating the Flutter SDK into Android Studio on macOS.

Download Flutter

  1. For Intel Processors: Download

  2. For Apple Silicon: Download

By default flutter sdk will be downloaded to ~/Downloads/.

Create a Directory for Flutter

Create new directory - ~/development/.

Create a new directory to install Flutter:

$ mkdir ~/development/

Extract the Flutter SDK

Extract the downloaded file into the directory you created:

$ unzip ~/Downloads/ -d ~/development/

The Flutter SDK will be available in the ~/development/flutter directory.

Add Flutter to your PATH

Add Flutter to the PATH environment variable:

Open the ~/.zshenv file.

Add the following line:

export PATH=$HOME/development/flutter/bin:$PATH

Save the file.

Restart all open terminal sessions.

Install Flutter Plugin in Android Studio

  1. Start Android Studio.

  2. Go to Android Studio > Settings.

  3. Select Plugins from the list on the left.

  4. Select Marketplace at the top.

  5. Search for "Flutter" in the plugins search field.

  6. Select the Flutter plugin and click Install.

  7. Click Yes to install the plugin.

  8. Restart Android Studio when prompted.

  1. Go to Android Studio > Settings > Languages & Frameworks > Flutter.

  2. Set the Flutter SDK path to the directory where you extracted the SDK.